14 WWE Network Risks That WWE Worries About

3. Big Brother And Your WWE Network Privacy

Wwe Network LaunchWWE is excited that they can track what you watch on the WWE Network and hopefully use those analytics to improve the service. However, they're also concerned that "we face certain legal obligations regarding the manner in which we treat... data supplied by our fans... and WWE Network subscribers". They worry that "increased regulation of data utilization practices that limit our ability to use collected data could have na adverse effect on our business". Furthermore, they go as far as to say that if they "disclose data about our subscribers in a manner that was objectionable to them, our business reputation could be adversely affected, and we could face potential legal claims". This appears to be a greater concern overseas (presumably in European countries) because they specifically mention that "internationally, we may be come subject to additional restrictions on our treatment of customer information".
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I'm a professional wrestling analyst, an improviser and an avid NES gamer. I live in Saint Paul, Minnesota and I'm working on my first book (#wrestlenomics). You can contact me at chris.harrington@gmail.com or on twitter (@mookieghana)