14 WWE Network Risks That WWE Worries About

9. Timing Is Everything

WWE Network is launching at what the company considers "a relatively early stage" for a "subscription digital streaming" service. They make two claims: "our fans are technologically sophisticated" and "the market is not saturated". WWE doesn't elaborate much on the first claim (technologically sophisticated) which is certainly going to be a major component of succeeding in launching an "over-the-top" video network. I've written about my concerns when you match up the WWE viewer profile against the adoption of streaming services but initial Network adoption estimates look to be stronger than I originally anticipated. WWE is also concerned with market saturation and worries that "dominant competition in the market for this type of service going forward". Clearly, the market leader is Netflix with Hulu (a partner that WWE has worked with for Raw & Smackdown replays) is also a substantial player. Can WWE attract enough subscribers to sustain a service dedicated to their particular niche programming?
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I'm a professional wrestling analyst, an improviser and an avid NES gamer. I live in Saint Paul, Minnesota and I'm working on my first book (#wrestlenomics). You can contact me at chris.harrington@gmail.com or on twitter (@mookieghana)