15 Acting Jobs You Didn't Know These Wrestlers Took On

6. Sable - Corky Romano

After leaving the then WWF for a spell in 1999, Sable turned her hand to acting. She had appeared in a number of less than significant TV shows which made her departure from the world of wrestling look a little bit silly. She was threatening to become one of the many who really couldn't do much more outside the wrestling business, despite what they might think. However, her biggest role during this break came Corky Romano, starring Chris Kattan. Mrs Brock Lesnar plays the role of a female bouncer who denies Kattan entrance into a club. In all honesty, her screen time is extremely limited, however, she does manage to attempt a flying elbow drop off a couch.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.