15 Best Non-WWE Matches Of The Last Decade (According To Dave Meltzer)

12. Tetsuya Naito Vs. Kenny Omega (5* - NJPW, 2016)

Kenny Omega's Japanese excursions will probably forever be defined by his two game-changing matches with Kazuchika Okada earlier this year - but there have been others.

This effort, alongside Tetsuya Naito - the second of two five-star matches at NJPW's 2016 G1 tournament (for context, WWE has put on just one in the last ten years*) - was also pretty good, and by pretty good we mean, raise-the-roof-off-the-arena, bring-the-house-down good.

And his opponent, of course, was the same wrestler afforded a walk-on role in TNA during his brief (and, to date, only) foray into American wrestling back in 2009. With hindsight, perhaps they should have given him more of a chance.

*According to Meltzer, anyway, and he really loves Japanese wrestling.
