15 Big Talking Points You Need To Hear From Survivor Series 2014

10. The Ryback Push... Is Over?

The Survivor Series main event was perfectly poised for Ryback to be the story of the night. He's been on a streak of hot form in the last few weeks, getting some of the biggest reactions in the entire company. A dominant performance at Survivor Series would've completed the making of his star. Yet the WWE decided to have him pinned early. He was the second elimination of the night, making him an afterthought of Team Cena vs Team Authority. Sure it wasn't clean, there was a mass brawl and Rollins curb stomped Ryback which allowed Rusev to nick the pin. However, this was just dumb. You've got a burgeoning babyface and you treat him like this? Ryback lost a ton of momentum with the way he was booked here.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.