15 Biggest WTF WrestleMania Moments Ever

The Showcase Of The WTFs...

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Every major sport has their special event. The NFL has the Super Bowl, Major League Baseball has the World Series, the World Wrestling Federation has WrestleMania.

For every memorable moment that WWE wants you to remember about their marquee show, there areseveral that made all of us scream WTF at the top of our lungs, from dodgy booking, mis-judged heel turns and stupid angles and matches.

You can watch the video below, or read on for the written list.

15. Goldust's Lingerie At WrestleMania XII


Ah yes, the brawl and panties match... WTF everywhere in this one...

Goldust was all set to take on Razor Ramon at 'ManiaXII before The Bad Guy made his intentions known to Vince McMahon that he'd be leaving for the competition as he had signeda lucrative WCW contract. This resulted in Razor beingdropped from the show altogether.

In his place stepped the then-WWF President Rowdy Roddy Piper, who had initially announced the match between Ramon and Goldie to start with. Sick of The Bizarre One's homosexual shenanigans - especially after Goldust expressed a desire to be a very special guest on Piper's pit - the match was on.

The pair would battle it out in a Hollywood Backlot Brawl. Yes, WWE would hypocritically put a star from the old guardback into the spotlight while ripping on WCW for doing so too and attempting to promote their own product as the 'New Generation'.

Now the WTF Moment here could justifiably be the chase that saw Goldust's gold Cadillac and Roddy Piper's white Ford Bronco.

Six months after the OJ verdict, and 20months after the infamous Bronco chase on the LA freeway, WWF decided that there was still comedy gold to be plucked from the Simpson trial as they tried to convince us that OJ's famous white Bronco was that of Piper's.To top it all off, the commentators couldn't fathomwhy the footage looked so familiar.

It was awkwardly hilarious to watch.

After sexually assaulting Piper once the pair back into the ring, Goldust soon found his golden globes in the hand of Hot Rod, before the Rowdy Scotspanked his opponent several times.

Next, Roddy stripped off Goldust€™s body suit to reveal abustier, and a thong, and some suspenders, and some stockings...and then he kissed Goldust just for good measure, as if we hadn't had enough man-on-man sexualactivity in the match already.

My eyes still haven't recovered.

Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.