15 Biggest WTF WrestleMania Moments Ever

3. Seth Rollins MITB Cash-In At WrestleMania XXXI


It's the moment that we all wanted to see happen, but something that remained beyond our wildest dreams after the coldest of cold builds for WrestleMania 31.

Much like this year's event, absolutely no one wanted to see Roman Reigns win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. After 224 days of thepart-time reign ofBrock Lesnar, WWE wanted the title back on a full-time star who would appear on RAW and SmackDown each and every week.

Step forward Mr. Money in the Bank to save the day.

Roman was scheduled to win the title, we all know that, but Vince McMahon actually listened to his audience (for once) and called an audible, allowing Seth Rollins to run in and pin The Big Dog to the mat, clinching the most unexpected of title wins in 'Mania history.

It's a moment that capped off a brilliant show, and something that really cemented The Architect as a main event player in WWE.

Just brillianceall round here, but also rather WTF, considering the circumstances.

Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.