Arguably the biggest losers from the entire Hogan affair are the nWo, thanks to the decision to jettison al Hogan merchandise (including all nWo branded products) from the WWE store. Since nWo royalties no doubt meant supplements to his career as a fledgling (and largely immobile) stripper, Kevin Nash must be furious. The nWo managed the same kind of brand saturation as Hulkamania before it and 3:16 - it's no accident that those three, plus The Rock's "Just Bring It" design remain the top four best selling T-shirts in WWE history. They were an irresistible group, after all, an anti-authority movement built on the same kind of swagger that would form a pillar of the Attitude Era across the promotion divide. Without the nWo, and specifically Hogan's ridiculously risky decision to rebrand from yellow to black, the decision to reinvent the WWE just a year later with more attitude and a suspiciously familiar swagger (in fairness, ripped wholesale from ECW). And there certainly wouldn't have been a DX.