15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Triple H

6. He Hated The Rock

I'm starting to think there wasn't anyone outside of The Kliq who Triple H had any time for...

Bret Hart noted in his book that both Trips and Shawn Michaels would try to bury The Rock early in The Great One's WWE career. Hart speculates that the DX members saw Rocky as a threat to their main event spots due to his "can't miss potential."

First Cena, then Edge, and now The Rock in this list? I'm starting to see a trend when it comes to Triple H and potential competition for his main event slot.

This ill feeling from Triple H was all but confirmed when The People's Champion left WWE for the movie industry in 2003. Hunter would take some parting shots at his former adversary in his promos, claiming that he was offered smaller jobs but turned them down for his love of professional wrestling.

Yeah, because Blade: Trinity,The Chaperone and Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery compare to the heights The Rock has hit...

Nevertheless, the pair seem to be on good terms now and could even face each other at next year's WrestleMania.

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.