15 Most Notoriously Unstable Wrestling Stars

13. Hulk Hogan

Over the past decade we have seen Hogan fall completely off the rails as his family publicly crumbled and his fortune vanished, all while he appeared in bizarre scandals €“ such as a leaked sex tape. In this time Hogan has contemplated suicide multiple times and undergone a disastorous TNA run. However he has also seemingly found some peace and redemption within himself in more recent days. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK6RN-ySGDM However, even when Hogan€™s life was on track, his enormously inflated ego meant that he was about as stable as a half-finished Jenga tower. His diva demands, ignorance of fans, and antipathy for the rest of the locker room has caused Hogan to have more heat against him within the industry than anyone else. He has had the wrath of legends such as Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, and the Ultimate Warrior amongst many others. The Bash at the Beach 2000 incident is a pretty good example of Hogan€™s unstable ego running rampant. Like everything in wrestling there are multiple versions of what happened in this story, but from all accounts it seems fair to state that even though WCW was desperately trying to pass the torch down to its younger talent, Hogan refused to job to Booker T. This forced Vince Russo to come up with a whole elaborate rouse where Hogan could leave champion, Russo would cut a worked shoot, and then Russo could give Booker a new championship. As if this wasn€™t frustrating and convoluted enough though, when Russo cut the promo and called Hogan a €˜bald son of a bitch€™ Hogan threw his toys out of the cot and then quit WCW and even tried to sue them. Despite having had the run of the company the entire time he had been there, and despite the fact that the organisation was going under at a rapid pace, he still couldn€™t put over one of the few home-grown young talents, without a whole lot of political bull crap and lawsuits. Understandably it left a foul taste in the mouth of many.
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