15 New Directions For WWE After WrestleMania 38

13. Happy Folks Splitting Up

WWE WrestleMania 38 Steve Austin Vince McMahon

Baron Corbin doesn't find Madcap's jokes funny anymore - fans didn't in the first place, which was the point, but now Happy is sad that Moss keeps cracking them in his presence. What's more, Madcap and his lotto-winning buddy worked in some miscommunication at WrestleMania.

This is only going to end one way.

WWE have been dropping hints all over the place that these 'Happy Folks' are ready to split up and move on to other things. That's a shame in one sense because they haven't been together for the longest time, but also...not a shame 'cause their defining rivalry (vs. Drew McIntyre) has been so rotten.

Fans should expect some more tension-filled segments involving the pair before Corbin drops Moss like a bad habit. One gets the feeling that WWE might try to book Madcap as a babyface; he'd need to be repackaged, but that shouldn't be too difficult.

These lads are heading for a split.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.