15 Off Air WWE Moments You Weren't Supposed To See

2. John Cena & Batista Become DX Members

Besides Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Chyna, who are some of your favourite D-Generation X members? Road Dogg? Billy Gunn? X-Pac? How about John Cena and Batista?

Minutes after Batista beat Randy Orton in the main event of the 14 September 2009 Raw, DX and Cena ran out to save him from an attack at the hands of Legacy. They then delighted/horrified (depending on your point of the view) the live audience by mocking that they had joined forces with 'The Animal' as a new, improved bunch of degenerates.

Seeing Cena perform the trademark crotch chop with a goofy grin on his face is kinda' bizarre. This was right at the peak of his run as a child-friendly cartoon, so it must have come as a shock for parents to see their kid's hero encouraging the world to suck it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.