15 Phantom WWE World Title Changes

10. Brian Kendrick - Unforgiven 2008

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6oxyz_unforgiven-2008-whc-scramble-1-3_sport 2008 was a peculiar time in WWE. The wrestling world was still noticeably reeling in the aftermath of the Benoit murder/suicide incident, steroid allegations were gaining mainstream headlines on a monthly basis and WWE found themselves shifting ever closer towards a PG rating. It also saw some pretty remarkable instances occur inside the ring; particularly on Smackdown. With WWE Smackdown moving cable networks in the US, Vince and co wanted to make an impact on their overlooked, blue-haired step-child of a brand. A shake up was in order and it was decided that Smackdown needed some fresh heavy-hitters to step up and swing. Enter €œThe Game€. Soon enough, Triple H had been drafted from Raw to Smackdown in a move that took the wrestling community totally off-guard. The switch immediately opened up a world of opportunity for fresh match-ups most wrestling fans had never even considered, let alone seen before. One so match was the newly christened €œChampionship Scramble€; whereby multiple winners can be crowned in a set 20 minute time period. The match was booked and the innovative bout made its debut at Unforgiven 2008. Largely dominated by the hot potato title exchange between Triple H and Jeff Hardy, the match stands out for one jaw-dropping moment in history where, for a short period of time, Brian Kendrick miraculously emerged as interim WWE Champion. The free-thinking Kendrick would pin fellow free-spirit, Jeff Hardy, after hitting his €œSliced Bread #2€ finishing move; scrambling the brains of Hardy and everybody watching around the world in the process. THE Brian Kendrick; THE WWE Champ?! But alas, such radicalised decision-making was not to be in the post-Attitude Era of WWE and the status quo was quickly restored. Kendrick would hold the position of interim WWE Champion for a mere six and a half minutes, before €œThe Game€ entered the fold and quickly snatched the title away from him with a signature Pedigree. The WWE Championship would trade hands three more times in the title tug-of-war between Triple H and Hardy before finally finding itself safely nestled around the familiar waist of Trips when the final bell rang. WWE would later clarify that title victories gained within the €œScramble€ would not be deemed as official title wins, leading to Kendrick€™s biggest achievement in professional wrestling becoming mere statistic of a forgotten match type.
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Owen Hart
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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!