15 Phantom WWE World Title Changes

8. Chris Benoit €“ WWE Raw (September 25th, 2000)

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1tqct_the-rock-vs-chris-benoit-raw-9-25-0_news Lightning would strike twice for Chris Benoit and The Rock later that same year, this time with the addition of €œThe Brothers of Destruction€ €“ Kane and The Undertaker €“ thrown into the mix for good measure. Having run roughshod over the WWF€™s main event scene throughout the summer of 2000, The Rock would find himself in a precarious position going into the Unforgiven event in September. As defending champ, the odds were stacked against €œThe People€™s Champ€, with Rocky forced to put his title on the line in a €œFatal Four Way€ bout that also featured Benoit and the demonic duo of Taker and Kane. The match itself was a physical one; that much was expected. What wasn€™t as expected was the finish. Following a collision between Kane and the referee, a chair-wielding Benoit would soon connect hard with The Undertaker€™s head, leading to €œThe Deadman€ hitting the mat for a count of three. While it was clear for viewer€™s at home to see that the prone Undertaker€™s foot was on the ropes, the dazed referee (Earl €œHawkeye€ Hebner once again) missed this fact and a new WWF Champion was crowned. However, it would be déjà vous all over again for Mr Benoit, who would once again see his title win nullified by Commissioner Foley and the match immediately ordered to restart. As punishment, Benoit would be forced back into no man€™s land and the awaiting onslaught of his three angry adversaries. Despite connecting with multiple German Suplexes as well as his patented Diving Headbutt, Benoit could not repeat his winning feat and, after a barrage of signature moves from all men involved, €œThe Crippler€ would once again fall victim to the champ€™s €œRock Bottom€; leaving The Rock to retain his title and walk out with the gold. Miraculously, Benoit would only ever compete in five more televised WWE Championship matches in his career €“ coming up short yet stealing the show on each occasion €“ before the tragic events of his demise in 2007.
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Owen Hart
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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!