15 Reasons Why Scott Steiner Is The Original Beast Of Wrestling

11. Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime

scott steiner sting

Throughout his 30 years in the ring, “Big Poppa Pump” has locked horns with virtually every big time player to come down the grappling assembly line in the last thirty years; from NWA stalwarts and WCW icons right through to WWE poster boys and TNA’s finest. What’s more, Steiner can also boast victories over a large majority of them, leaving some of the biggest names in the industry staring at the arena lights when the bell rings.

“What names?” I hear you ask. The short answer would be “a lot”. With a list of scalps that includes a myriad of legendary performers – ranging from Ric Flair, Sting and Steve Austin, all the way through to John Cena, AJ Styles and Samoa Joe – Steiner’s wrestling conquests are a veritable who’s who of wrestling history. Even from a tag team perspective, not many men can say they’ve stood opposite the Road Warriors, The Outsiders and The Dudley Boyz; and even less can say they’ve done so with the same partner by their side.

With around 1500 matches in his professional career, Steiner has also managed to chalk up an impressive win percentage of approximately 70% (based on stats from CageMatch.net). While pro wrestling statistics should always be taken with a pinch of salt due to the sketchy nature of records and general ambiguity that comes with wrestling history, it’s clear that Steiner has a solid win/loss record which, for a man of his longevity, is all the more impressive.

Steiner’s early WWF run was particularly impressive, with a win rate of over 93% in 1993; losing just 10 out of 186 matches. While his matches have become far less frequent in recent years, Steiner (now into his 50s) continues to rack up victories on the indie scene, both as a singles competitor and as a tag, with no signs of stopping any time soon.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!