15 Things We Learned From Scott Hall On The Steve Austin Show

12. American Starship

Steve next inquires about Hall's short-lived tag team with Dan Spivey, where the two men were known as American Starship. Hall was known as Starship Coyote and Spivey was Starship Eagle. It's interesting to note that Spivey has teamed with three guys who went on to much bigger success than him, The Undertaker, Scott Hall and even Mike Rotunda, while Spivey never really managed to break through. Hall said the two of them didn't know each other and never hung out before or since, and that despite Dan being a great guy they just didn't click. Austin asks what the concept for the team was and Hall responds "Ask Dusty." He says that had they all stayed in Florida they were going to be Dusty's version of The Road Warriors, and he often wonders what would have happened. Hall calls Spivey "a big bad*ss" who preferred the Japanese style and wasn't happy with Hall wanting to leave the territory because he was happy there.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.