15 Things We Learned From Vince McMahon's Docuseries On Netflix

7. Vince’s Ignorance Of Certain Events Is Incredible

Vince McMahon Netflix

Remember earlier when Vince's ability to go full on work mode was examined? That took another turn during the segment about Sable's $110m lawsuit for sexual harassment in 1999. McMahon claims he doesn't remember anything about that, and feigns ignorance about the follow up storyline in 2003 that saw her become his onscreen mistress.

Bit of embarrassment there, perhaps? Who knows for sure? It's difficult to believe that Vince doesn't remember a thing though. Netflix cannot have been thrilled with that. Or, maybe they knew McMahon going full-on ignorant would catch attention and become a talking point after the series aired.

His blank stare is borderline chilling.

Footage from an episode of SmackDown is shown. It has Stephanie pointing out Sable's legal action against the company, but Vince's character has none of it. Apparently, the real guy behind that character was having none of it either. He claims zero recollection of the lawsuit (ONE HUNDRED AND TEN MILLION DOLLARS!) or Sable's subsequent rehiring and casting.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.