15 Times Wrestlers Became Dancers

4. Vince McMahon Gets Down


Vince McMahon is so bad at dancing that he got "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to break character and crack a smile. Austin was feuding with Vince and Foley, but couldn't contain his smile as Vince did those weird gyrations that he always seems to do anytime he dances.

There are so many clips of Vince dancing over the years and there's always women involved, he just can't help himself, can he? At any rate, I'm trying to think of the last time Raw ended with people dancing to the back.

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Josh's work has been seen on Cageside Seats, Yahoo, and The Richest. If it's not pro wrestling, he's definitely thinking about cured meats and/or sushi, but never all three at the same time...that can get weird. Twitter: @HeelDoors