15 Times Wrestlers Became Dancers

7. Human Tornado Clowns Ruckus


Human Tornado was a fun-loving pimp that plays off over 70's blaxploitation stereotypes. Ruckus is a no-nonsense kind of guy that just wants to fight. Tornado loves to dance, Ruckus absolutely does not, but on this night he had no choice.

These two faced-off in CZW and before the action started, Tornado wanted to have a little fun at Ruckus' expensive. Listen to the crowd explode as these two play off of each other. It's great how Ruckus attempts to wrestle, but is thwarted along the way.

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Josh's work has been seen on Cageside Seats, Yahoo, and The Richest. If it's not pro wrestling, he's definitely thinking about cured meats and/or sushi, but never all three at the same time...that can get weird. Twitter: @HeelDoors