15 Wrestlers’ Daughters Following In Their Parents’ Footsteps

11. Amy Hennig (Mr. Perfect)

Curtis Axel is not the only offspring of €œMr. Perfect€ Curt Hennig who followed in their father and grandfather€™s footsteps. Axel€™s younger sister Amy also entered the world of professional wrestling several years ago, training at Harley Race€™s wrestling school. Many longtime wrestling fans remember Mr. Perfect fondly, if not for his vignettes, then for his impeccable in-ring performances. Sadly, he passed away 11 years ago, shortly after trying to make a comeback in WWE. His son, Curtis Axel, is often criticized by fans (or conversely, fans criticize WWE) because he has not gotten anything resembling a steady push. A run with the Intercontinental Championship and brief period as a €œPaul Heyman guy€ is about the most WWE has invested in him. Unlike Axel, Amy Hennig has not made it to WWE. It€™s unclear whether she is still active, as most internet sources cut off her in-ring accomplishments in 2010. There also was a report from Race€™s school that Amy wasn€™t taking advice from veterans, so it could be that she wasn€™t cut out for wrestling. (If someone has more info, it would be welcome.) It€™s a shame in some ways that Amy never made it to WWE, as brother-sister wrestling pairs are rare. But with one third-generation Hennig floundering in WWE, would there be room for another?
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Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.