15 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown (July 23)

1. Seth Wins Clean... Sort Of

Stardust wwe

We've been sick of the sight of seeing Seth Rollins run away from just about every challenge he has had since winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania. So it was refreshing, even though it was very much more shocking, to see the champ winning clean via a 1-2-3. 

We say sort of because Rollins raked the eyes of Cesaro while the referee's back was turned, and although he wouldn't have been disqualified, it is still a pretty underhanded tactic. 

We get that the former Shield member is the cunning heel who always wriggles out of the tightest of situations, but WWE has took things too far in recent times and is on the brink of making him an illegitimate champion. There's a chance that his reign will be tarnished when too many people don't believe he is a viable champion.

Let's see the champion of the entire company portrayed more like one rather than seeing him either coward behind someone else, or run away all together.

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.