15 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown (July 23)

11. Erm...

Stardust wwe

WWE has transformed Neville into a super-hero and Stardust into a super-villain in what is quickly turning into one of the goofiest rivalries of recent times. The pair can work, there's no doubting about that, but the way that WWE are booking them could be the end of their respective gimmicks. 

This week's SmackDown was a glaring example of this as after Neville cut a promo, Stardust appeared on a television screen in the background giggling with the most ridiculous evil/psychotic laugh heard in recent times... 

The powers that be look like they will have to reign things in slightly so it doesn't tarnish the pair's reputations too much. 

Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.