15 WWE Stars Who Thrived On Being Hated

3. Chris Jericho

Prior to reinventing himself upon his return in 2007, Chris Jericho was always looked upon as a fiery babyface while being on the goofier side as far as heels go. His feud with Shawn Michaels not only went a long way in shattering that perception, it also put him as one of the central figures in arguably the greatest WWE feud since Rock/Austin. Gone was the sarcastic jack*ss in his place stood a character that Jericho himself has said he modeled after Anton Chigurh from No Country For Old Men. He was now a suit-wearing intellectual who would go so far as to punch a man's wife to get his point across. This was the first time Jericho has really connected as a top heel in WWE and he was excelling in the position. In 2011, during yet another comeback and reinvention, Chris took to trolling the audience by refusing to speak during promo segments. It was a brilliant bit of crowd manipulation that ticked off the paying customers who were being deprived of the entertaining promos Jericho was known for, and it led to a heated feud with CM Punk. Chris Jericho is one of the most versatile performers to ever lace up the boots, but when he's at his darkest is when he truly shines.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.