16 Best Crowd Chants From WWE NXT Takeover: London

3. You€™re S**t And You Know You Are

To the tune of: Go West by the Pet Shops Boys More football chants, more swearing, and more of it aimed at Baron Corbin. This time, a much more fast-paced rendition of the Pet Shop Boys €œGo West€ was directed at NXT€™s Lone Wolf, although the sentiment was noticeably different. Gone was the Pet Shop Boys€™ message of hope, being replaced with one of intolerance€”purely in a kayfabe sense, of course. It€™s worth noting though that despite this barrage of abuse, Corbin did have pockets of fans in the crowd, and the atmosphere wasn€™t as anti-Corbin as one may have thought. It just seems that his detractors were rather noisier than his supporters.

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