16 More WTF Moments From WWE NXT TakeOver: London

We just can't get enough of this week's special...

NXT TakeOver: London was a historic show for both NXT and the WWE, a live, prime-time wrestling show in the UK featuring some of the greatest wrestling talents today. Thoroughly shaming the WWE's recent TLC pay-per-view, TakeOver London served up rock-solid bouts from start to finish without a single hiccup, cementing the brand's supreme quality over their rather inconsistent bigger brother. As you might know from reading Ross Tweddell's's extensive rundown of NXT London's most WTF moments, the show brought a solid share of weird alongside all the brilliance, ensuring it was one of the year's best and most memorable shows from any company operating today. Once again, Vince could learn a lot from watching Triple H conduct business, and that sounds really damn weird to say. Here are 16 more bizarre and hilarious happenings from NXT TakeOver: London...

16. That Awful CGI Set

As the kick-off show for Respect started, it became clear that Renee Young, Tom Phillips and Lita almost certainly weren't in London, because they were stood in front of a garish green screen CGI backdrop that had a very TNA feel to it. Moments later they confirm that they're in Connecticut calling the shots. Were the WWE too cheap to just fly them to London for this? Or did they think the SSE Arena was too small to fit their pre-show booth? Why not just have them conduct it outside in the cold like they've done before? Either way, weird.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.