16 Purest Babyfaces In Wrestling History

12. Tommy Rich

Ricky Steamboat
Pro Wrestling Illustrated

'Wildfire' was the prototypical southern babyface, winning championships in the Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee territories of the old NWA in the late 1970s. In 1981, he (very) briefly captured the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Harley Race, but his career apex was undoubtedly his bloody war with 'Mad Dog' Buzz Sawyer, which culminated in the legendary proto-Hell in a Cell known as the Last Battle of Atlanta.

Rich, as his nickname suggests, was full of fire, and that drove many of his feuds. The fans lived vicariously through his quests for righteous vengeance. However, the same anger and (circumstantial) aggression that made him a fan favorite for years necessitate ranking him low on this list; you can only have so many brutal rivalries culminating in bloodbaths in smoke-filled armories before it starts to look like you're not kind of into it, Tommy.


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.