16 Thing We Learned From Kevin Owens On Talk Is Jericho
9. Promos
Y2J compliments Owens on being a great promo, citing his presence and authenticity and asks if that's something he's always been good at. He replies that he's always had a pretty good way with words, going back to his days in school with writing and speaking. He cites an incident in 2005 when he and Sami Zayn ran into Steve Austin on a flight. The two were headed to California for a a PWG show and had a layover in Texas. Owens, being the self-proclaimed "biggest Stone Cold fan in the world" at the time, asked the biggest superstar in history if he had any adice he'd be willing to share. Austin replied to "never stop running your mouth" and followed that up with "That plancha sh*t will kill you". He says he took the advice to heart and even started implementing it that very weekend at the PWG show, but other than that he can't pinpoint when he started excelling at promos. Kevin says the main thing he tries to do is be himself, because the guys who always captured his attention in promos - Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley and Steve Carino - always sounded genuine.
Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.