16 Things You Probably Missed From AEW Dynamite (23 Oct)

1. MJF's New Name For Jericho

MFJ Chris Jericho

Jericho wasn't the only one game for a few giggles on Dynamite.

Post-concession stand scuffle between Cody, Dustin Rhodes, DDP, MJF and the Inner Circle, Mr. Maxwell Jacob Friedman roasted the AEW Champion by audibly calling him, "Midlife Crisis Chris". If Jericho doesn't cash in on that and produce some merch that'd bag easy cash, colour this fan surprised.

What other hidden gems did you spot on this week's AEW Dynamite? For more like this, check out last week's 17 Things You Probably Missed From AEW Dynamite (16 Oct)!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.