16 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (14 Oct)

5. The Joke WWE Were Trying To Tell

Tyson Fury

Awkwardness continued as undefeated knock out 'Gypsy King' Tyson Fury struggled to break a pen after Braun had smashed a table with his bare hands. If this was supposed to make people excited to see the Crown Jewel match, it failed.

WWE were maybe trying to add some character to Tyson. That also flopped.

Dio Maddin made light of the pen incident by laying it on thick afterwards. That was supposed to be the story. Tyson was messing with Strowman and playing minds games. Sadly, it was so poorly presented and worked that he came out looker weaker than he was going in.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.