16 Things You Probably Missed From WWE SmackDown (April 2)

3. Nikki Cross Trying To Eat Naomi's Hair

Nikki Cross Naomi

The best thing about Nikki Cross is that the powder-keg Scot always stays in character when she's in front of the cameras. It doesn't matter what Nikki's doing; she can be standing on the ring apron waiting for a tag, walking to Gorilla backstage or...eating Naomi's hair.

That's what Cross was doing when WWE showed the babyface squad for their bumper 18-person mixed tag match on SmackDown. Meanwhile, Asuka was joining in with Otis Dozovic's pre-match pump ritual and R-Truth yammered away to himself.

This was like a late-80s Survivor Series promo.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.