16 Things You Probably Missed From WWE SmackDown (August 20)

2. Kofi Putting The Chair On The Wrong Way

Kofi Kingston Randy Orton

Kofi Kingston was seeking payback on Randy Orton and The Revival for "breaking Xavier Woods' leg" on Monday's Raw. To do this, he planned to wrap a steel chair around Orton's ankle and 'Pillmanize' the living sh*t out of him.

There was a slight hitch. Kofi, bless his unicorn socks, couldn't figure out how to get the chair on properly so that he could shatter Mr. RKO's leg. He put it on the wrong way at first, spotted his mistake and then corrected it pronto.

Fingers crossed Randy was muttering, "Stupid" as this happened.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.