16 Things You Probably Missed From WWE SmackDown (Feb 19)

5. New Day's 'Pancake Branch'

Pancake Branch New Day

For some reason, a lot of SmackDown's backstage dialogue felt muted this week. Maybe the mix between backstage audio and live crowd wasn't right, or maybe the guys themselves were just mumbling. Whatever happened, it was a challenge to hear what most were saying.

That's why you might've missed Kofi Kingston's "pancake branch".

"What the hell is a pancake branch?", you may be asking. Basically, it's The New Day's personalised version of an olive branch, and it's hilarious. It's also nutritious, which is why AJ Styles gladly munched away on Kofi's gift.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.