16 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown (Nov 22)

13. David Otunga Needs An Eye Exam

Ellsworth Wtfff

Speaking of Otunga, what is burning his crotch these days? It's true that Jennifer Hudson's bit on the side is in tremendous physical condition, but does he really need to start ranting about athleticism on SmackDown?

No sooner had Otunga called Miz an athletically poor person (although he worded it much better than that due to his Harvard degree) than he was also claiming Konnor from The Ascension was 'carved up'.

Basically, he meant that Konnor looked good. The Miz is in better shape, Davey boy. Haven't you seen Maryse!? Konnor's lass likely looks like Wayne Rooney after a few too many pints.


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