16 WWE Attitude Era Tag Teams You Totally Don't Remember

6. The New Midnight Express

One of the most legendary tag teams in NWA history, The Midnight Express actually featured various different line-ups, but is most fondly remembered as some combination of Bobby Eaton, Dennis Condrey and Stan Lane. It certainly isn't remembered as a WWF Attitude Era tag team featuring Bob Holly and Bart Gunn. The late 1990s saw the debut of 'The New Midnight Express', which saw the pair come together under the management of Jim Cornette. The team never went on to enjoy success, and is seen by many (including Cornette) as a jab at the old-school stylings of the NWA. On the plus side, the pair did enjoy the unique honour of winning the NWA Tag Team Championship on WWF programming, defeating the Headbangers to claim the gold.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.