16 WWE Attitude Era Tag Teams You Totally Don't Remember

10. Head Cheese

The slightly more memorable of Blackman's odd pairings was with Al Snow, the imaginatively titled 'Head Cheese' tag team. The pair actually made for a humorous combination, Snow's naive enthusiasm blending perfectly with Blackman's utter seriousness. Head Cheese enjoyed more success than most teams on this list, actually earning a shot at the WWF Tag Team Championships against the New Age Outlaws. They failed to capture the belts at No Way Out 2000, but earned a spot on the following WrestleMania card, losing to Test and Albert. The match is memorable for the only appearance of the team's mascot, a human block of cheese. Blackman took out his frustrations on the poor guy after the bout.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.