16 WWE Superstars And The Actors Who'd Play Them In Movies

2. Triple H - Sean Bean

Both men are battle-hardened warriors. They have gone to war so many times, on so many different fields that their faces carry the hangdog weariness and exhausted beards of men who just want a glass of mead and a sit down. Take one of the first scenes in Game of Thrones for example, when Sean Bean's, Ned Stark, scowls his way through hacking off a poor peasant's head with a gigantic sword. Replace the peasant with Zack Ryder, the sword with a sledgehammer and have Stark whisper 'we wish you all the best with your future endeavours' before the swing, and you've got yourself The King of Kings ... of the North. HHH may feel content with his position of Authority right now, but he should be mindful that Winter Is Coming, and the WWE boardroom is dark and full of terrors.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.