17 Things We Learned From An Evening With Rey Mysterio (Oct 26)
17. Rey Mysterio Smells Really Good
So that's a little take-home for the lucky fans. Turns out Rey Mysterio smells really good. Cards on the table, I wasn't expecting him to smell bad. I don't think any of us would expect a former World Heavyweight Champion to smell bad (except maybe Jeff Hardy) but the host of the night, and the man interviewing Rey, made a point of mentioning several times that Mysterio had a pleasing scent. The crowd murmured in agreement that yes, Rey Mysterio smelled really good, and a lone woman shouted, "it's his natural odour!!" Isn't this all a little patronising? Rey Mysterio knows how to shower - after all, the man won 21 championships in WCW and WWE! But no, apparently it was a big deal that the man didn't smell of old sweat and dried blood. Good one, Rey Rey.