17 Things We Learned From Stephanie McMahon On Live With Chris Jericho

4. AJ Lee

We get the first semblance of a difficult question when Chris mentions the AJ Lee tweet in response to McMahon€™s praise of Patricia Arquette, pointing out that she responded very diplomatically then asking if it p*ssed her off. €œIt didn€™t p*ss me off as much as, you know€I had to respond diplomatically because you never know how people are going to take things one way or the other. But Give A Divas A Chance had just started on its own €“ I believe, if I have the timing right (she doesn€™t) €“ and then, umm€I believe it was in the process of trending when AJ sent her tweet, which didn€™t actually use the Give Divas A Chance hashtag. So I think AJ was responding to my tweet about Patricia Arquette and congratulating her on being so brave and bold to stand up on such a big platform and talk about equal pay, so AJ€™s response I think was more to me directly than it was the Give Divas A Chance movement. But, you know I was proud of AJ for speaking up. That was clearly something that she wanted to get across, and you know, look, I am fully behind this movement.€ The two then talk about how amazing the NXT ladies are and in response to Jericho€™s question if that can translate to the main roster, she says she hopes so, but the company has to make it happen with the right stories and opportunities.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.