17 Things We Learned From Stephanie McMahon On Live With Chris Jericho

1. Favorite Match & Moment Of Her Career

When Jericho delivers his standard closer we€™re hit with a bit of a surprise answer. Stephanie says that her favorite moment and match are one in the same, citing her SummerSlam 2014 match with Brie Bella. She says the reason why is because it was her first bout in eleven years, and calls actually competing in the ring her favorite part of what they do. She says the match was €œarguably one of the top matches at SummerSlam€ and mentions how they main evented Raw twice leading into the show. Then she adds that her three daughters were in the audience, and for them to have the chance to see her wrestle was the coolest moment for her and she€™ll never forget it. To share that with them €“ kids who€™d be fifth generation should they ever choose to enter the business €“ was amazing, and when she went backstage she was greeted by them chanting €œYou still got it!€ This interview started off pretty rocky and looked to be heading toward being used as nothing more than a giant PR ad campaign, and while there was still a good bit of that, there was some candid conversation scattered throughout. No real revelations and nothing that fans didn€™t already know, outside of possibly the early days of her relationship with Triple H. This was definitely the least interesting of the four shows the Network has done so far, and Stephanie is always in corporate robot mode so nobody is ever going to pry anything newsworthy out of her.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.