17 Things We Learned From Stephanie McMahon On Live With Chris Jericho

13. Growing Up Around The Business

Jericho talks about how Bret Hart said his childhood was like a menagerie and asks Stephanie if hers was anything similar, and she replies that it was, with different wrestlers at their home from time to time but that it€™s how she grew up so she doesn€™t know any differently. She tells a story of how Hulk Hogan and Mr. T came over for dinner before WrestleMania, and the main things she remembers is her mother Linda having to make liver for Mr. T €“ a dish she hates €“ and him wanting to autograph everything she owned. Last year at the Hall of Fame her kids met Mr. T and he did the same thing, signing everything and then some, saying it was funny how it came full circle. One of her earliest memories was of a live event at the Philadelphia Spectrum when she was between three-to-six years old. She was backstage and ran into George €œThe Animal€ Steele in full gimmick, and she freaked out and ran to her father, who started laughing. The fact that he didn€™t take her fear seriously confused her, until she realized that he was laughing at how bad Steele felt for scaring her. This was the point when she started realizing the business was a work. Stephanie then mentions some of her childhood favorites as being The Killer Bees and Tito Santana, but added that she gravitated toward the heels and didn€™t root for Hulk Hogan, and hated Jesse Ventura because of how he€™d rip on Vince all the time.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.