17 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (July 19)

11. What Elias Was Playing

Elias WWE Raw

Elias normally f*cks about and noodles like nobody has ever noodled before before introducing himself to the fans. Here, he seemed to play a few bars from Metallica's 'Fade To Black' classic before doing the whole "WWE stands for Walk With Elias" bit.

'Fade To Black' is off the band's 'Ride The Lightning' album.

Hey, maybe Eli has been doing this sort of thing all along actually? Maybe this fan has just never noticed what songs he's playing before.

10. The Ref Telling Elias To Wipe?

Elias Blood

Raw's music man got busted open at some point during his 'Symphony Of Destruction' clash with Jaxson Ryker, and the ref ducked down to deliver some instructions (presumably from the back). He told Elias to wipe the blood from his face.


That was pointless. The gash was open, so more blood was going to pour through and trickle down Elias' face anyway. Plus, WWE got several more closeup shots of Elias later, so they obviously weren't too fussed about the claret.

9. Sheamus’ New Overlay

Sheamus WWE Raw

WWE's new graphical overlays are cool, and this is one of the snazziest.

Sure, that pink and blue neon style is less Sheamus and more Natalya (or someone else with pink in their colour scheme), but it's supposed to represent a bar sign. The Irishman's graphic says, "Fight Night", and there was another that said, "Donnybrook Lane".

These little touches add a ton to the presentation.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.