17 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (March 4)

2. Renee Young's Errant Line

Dean Ambrose

Renee Young hasn't been able to show the same amount of personality as a third wheel behind the Raw announce desk as she did when anchoring those Kickoff shows or working as a backstage announcer. That's not her fault, but this one is.

When Michael Cole said Ambrose would be leaving WWE after 'Mania, Renee said he'd be "moving on to greener pastures". That...can't have gone down well at Gorilla. WWE is the place to be, after all, and so Young claiming otherwise had to cause meltdowns a-go-go behind the scenes.

Corey Graves pulled her up on the line, forcing Renee to scramble and say, "You don't know what he has planned". AEW? Impact? UFC? Nothing at all and a contract extension? What is it?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.