17 Things You Probably Missed From WWE SmackDown (8 Nov)

15. WWE's Awkward Promotion Of 'King' Corbin

King Corbin

When 'King' Corbin came out to cut his show-opening promo, Corey Graves said "the kingdom (UK) has never been more united". Anyone with one eye on British politics and the call for another Scottish independence bid probably found that rather out of place.

The same goes for Michael Cole's assertion that the UK is an "appropriate place for 'King' Corbin". This belief that England and the United Kingdom live in the 1800s needs to go away. At least it's better than Jerry Lawler using Brit slang back in the old B-level pay-per-view days.

"She's a bird, JR. A real slag!"


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.