17 Things You Probably Missed From WWE SmackDown (Sep 3)

8. What Was Toni Storm Looking At?

Toni Storm Dirty Dawgs Dolph Ziggler Robert Roode

Right, after patting Bex on the back, can someone also have a word with WWE about the way they format these backstage walking skits? Check the screenshot above. Robert Roode is powering forwards, Dolph Ziggler want to chat to Toni Storm and...Toni is staring at an empty table?

OK, that's too much.

Storm was staring into empty space, and that was never broached. Later, when the camera panned over a bit, it was clear to see that there was nothing on the table. So, basically, she was just zoning out? Fair enough.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.