17 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown (13 August)

16. Last Night On Tough Enough...

We were treated to a Tough Enough flashback, which saw John Cena debut his bright orange look and accepted Seth Rollins' SummerSlam challenge. This may have seemed a smooth decision at the time, elevating the show via the appearance of the company's biggest superstar, but there was a crucial flaw to the WWE's logic. To have Cena appear on a "real" show and discuss the merits of each contestant, before switching to kayfabe logic and calling out Rollins as a legitimate rival, made for an incredibly inconsistent segment. At least the match has finally been confirmed, and the medical staff look to have worked wonders on his nose.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.