18 Things You Might Have Missed From Last Night’s WWE SmackDown

17. Big Cass Poking Fun At Samoa Joe’s Weight

Big Cass Daniel Bryan Samoa Joe

"The shrimp and the blimp" is one of the most vicious lines from a heel in WWE for quite some time.

Big Cass making light of Daniel Bryan's (lack of) height is one thing, but poking fun at the fact Samoa Joe carries some extra weight is a bit much. OK, so Cass is a heel, and heels do say polarising, obnoxious and even cruel comments. It's hardly as though this is 1996 and Yokozuna is making rings creak at around 600lbs however.

Joe looks great, suits his weight and so Cass's comments felt a bit off. Let's hope Joe calls him a lanky git next week or something.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.