18 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (March 22)

6. Sheamus Knocked Riddle’s Sliders Off

Sheamus Riddle

It looks like Sheamus will be Riddle's United States Title foe come Tampa.

The p*ssed off workhorse smashed Riddle in the ribcage with his own scooter before strolling off. Hilariously, the reigning champ made sure to push his flip flops off as he was selling on the floor next to him - that was a nice touch, but WWE better not give fans any more "frostbitten feet" talk during the build towards 'Mania.

The announcers missed another easy line here. Someone should've said, 'Sheamus hit Riddle so hard he knocked his sliders off", or something.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.