18 Things You Probably Missed From WWE SmackDown (15 Nov)

14. Corey Graves Mentioning Swagger's Soaring Eagle

Roman Reigns Big Dog

WWE love a good mascot. Maybe the 'Big Dog' they used on SmackDown will turn out to be an excuse to sell plush toys, or maybe they only did it because Vince McMahon can't get enough of costumed characters (there's a joke in there somewhere).

Whatever the case, it did give Corey Graves a reason to mention Jack Swagger's old 'Soaring Eagle' from back in 2010. Score one for the unintentional AEW references; as most know, Swagger is currently working in AEW, albeit under his real name Jake Hager.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.