18 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown (July 2)

17. Are Seth And Jamie Related?

During one of Seth Rollins' long-winded promos, which are becoming commonplace at the start of WWE events, he spoke about how we would be telling our children's children about his period in WWE history. At one point, he went over to Jamie Noble, who worked consecutive nights this week despite breaking three ribs on RAW last week (that's a WTF moment in itself), and told of how the kids in West Virginia will be asking "uncle Jamie" about Seth Rollins burning Suplex City to the ground, in what has to be one of the greatest impressions ever heard on American television. The Architect was born in Buffalo Iwoa, which is roughly 718 miles and over 10 hours in a car away from where the former Cruiserweight Champion spent his childhood. Now being from England, there's an old, and rather inappropriate joke I could make about cousins potentially getting together here... That's how great Seth's impression was.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.