18 WWE Attitude Era Midcarders That Deserve Hall Of Fame

9. Jeff Jarrett

At one point in WWE history, before the title became a prop rather than a legitimate prize, no Superstar had ever held the Intercontinental Championship more times than Jeff Jarrett. With six reigns, he established himself as one of the greatest IC champions of all-time. During the Attitude Era, a period of time not readily associated with him, Jarrett emerged as the centerpiece of the midcard. He was the veteran that Vince McMahon could trust to carry a match or a program both on the mic and in the ring. And Jarrett proved himself repeatedly.

There was the steady evolution from the country musician Jarrett to the nasty, guitar-smashing chauvinist villain that warned fans against pissing him off and regularly put his hands on women. Not in the typical Attitude Era way, either. From his brief programs with Edge and D'Lo Brown to his full-blown rivalry with Chyna that led to the historic Good Housekeeping Match at No Mercy 1999, Jarrett was as solid a performer as there was.

Couple his accomplishments at that time with his countless world titles in WCW and TNA wrestling, his history as a promoter and his successes during the territory days in Memphis and you have a no-brainer for the Hall of Fame.


Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.